SoulPeaceProject’s mission is to support our youth in cultivating inner peace and love.
SoulPeaceProject is a program devoted to a more peaceful and loving world through our connection to inner peace. Its focus is on the youth of our communities supporting them in:
- Greater awareness of their emotions and feelings and how they affect behavior and decision making
- Learning to trust their own wisdom
- Communicating with clarity, kindness, and confidence
- Channeling energy into focused, positive action
- Nurturing a positive sense of self
- Implementing coping strategies during stressful or challenging times
- Learning peace building strategies
SoulPeaceProject’s intent is to broaden empathy and respect within oneself which in turn can broaden the circle of empathy and respect towards others.
Modalities used are Music (drumming, voice, improvisation, lyric discussion, and songwriting), mindfulness, meditation, movement and integration of conflict resolution skills.
This program can culminate with a group concert/performance, community service act or inservice/workshop.
SoulPeaceProject reinforces the belief that each persons voice matters in the Stand for Peace and that by creating peace within we can bring peace without!